How to spray varnish your paint pen artwork
Read time: 3 minutes
Zieler acrylic paint marker pens work brilliantly on non-porous (glossy) surfaces such as ceramics, porcelain, glass and metal.
To help preserve your decorative work you should consider sealing it with a spray varnish. This will protect the colours from fading over time and help withstand against light scratches.
We suggest you use an acrylic-based spray varnish such as Montana Gold varnish spray – available in gloss, semi-gloss and matt.

Spray varnish should be used by adults or at least under adult supervision. Always use spray varnish in a well-ventilated area.
To spray varnish your artwork, follow these simple instructions:
1. Place the object on some large sheets of newspaper or something similar so that the spray does not make contact with your work surface.
2. Ensure the object is clean and dry. If it has been in the oven it must have cooled down completely before you apply any varnish spray.
3. Shake the can of varnish vigorously for 3-5 minutes. This is important as it will help give you a nice even coat of varnish when you start spraying.
4. If necessary, perform a test spray on a piece of paper or cardboard first to become familiar with the flow of spray.
5. When you are ready, hold the nozzle of the spray about 30 cm from your object and start spraying a thin layer of varnish (moving the can side to side) to create a light coating. Be careful not to spray too much or too close to the object as this may cause the varnish to drip on the object. Try to keep a spraying distance of 30cm at all times.
6. Continue to lightly spray and build up two or three layers of varnish on your object.
7. Leave to dry for 1 to 2 hours.
8. Apply more layers if necessary or if desired.
9. Leave to dry for 1 to 2 hours.