Make your own games mat
Table of Contents

Twister Mat
Making your own games mat is a fun and creative activity to do while at home. Whether you are trying to keep the kids entertained or hanging out with your flatmates its a fun and engaging project.
Best of all you can then use the mat and have fun playing the games, that is after you have made it first. Here we explain the simple and easy process of how to create your own mat using items you would find around your house and a few art supplies.
You can make the mat double sided giving you two different games to play. Here we have twister on one side and snakes and ladders on the other.
You will need
To make your own playable games mat you will need the follow things…
A piece of square material approximately 60×60 inches. Here we are using an old Ikea curtain but you could use some old bed sheets or table cloth, just whatever you have laying around the house.
Some Acrylic paints & brushes or you might find it easier to use paint pens
A ruler, a bowl and a dice for playing the game afterwards.

Draw your Circles
For twister mat start off by using the bowl and paint pens to draw circles on your piece of material.
For an easy guidelines fold your material in half 4 times when you open it back up the crease lines make a useful grid for drawing your circles in even rows. Draw one circle in each creased square so you will end up with 4 across and 4 down 16 circles in total on the mat.
You can choose to make a traditional twister mat which has 4 colours each in a row ie. a row of blue, green, red and yellow or you can arrange your circles more randomly like we have.
Be Creative
Have fun with it by creating different designs on each circle. Using acrylic paint you can create lots of different effects. Work as a group to paint the mat together, each of you could be in charge of painting a different colour.
When you have finished your mat and allowed it to dry you can then play the game. Simply roll a coloured dice to determine which colour you will land on. Use a numbered dice to represent right foot, left foot, right hand, left hand just like the traditional rules of twister.

Snakes and Ladders
Flip the mat and create a new game on the reverse side. Here we have made giant snakes and ladders.
You can play this using home made counters or you can be the counter standing on the mat. This makes the game a bit more fun and exciting and works on your balancing skills.
To make snakes and ladders you can use the same creasing guidelines you used for twister. But instead of drawing circles you will be drawing lines to create a grid.
Create a grid
Start by drawing out grid guideline using a paint pen and a tape measure, if you don’t have a long tape measure you can use a piece of string.
Create 8 rows across and 8 rows down so 64 squares in total. Then draw small number in the left top hand corner of each square.
It doesn’t matter if your lines are not entirely straight its more about having fun than being accurate.

Add your details
Then its time to draw your snakes and ladders. Be creative and use different colours and patterns to make funky snakes.
When dry its time to play and enjoy your homemade games mat. Rules apply like traditional snakes and ladders. Roll the dice and move the corresponding amount, if you land on ladders you go up them and landing on snakes head you go down it.

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