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live online art classes

Acrylic Painting – Thursday 2nd 12pm

Pouring Art – Thursday 9th 12pm

Lino Cutting and Printing – Thursday 16th 12pm

Watercolours – Thursday 23rd 12pm

Drawing – Thursday 30th 12pm

Watercolour Class

with Amy Kelly-Miller

With all this time spent indoors isolated from your local community it’s import to engage in a hobby to fill your time with a sense of achievement.

Creative hobbies allow your brain to focus on the activity in hand and switch off from the stresses of daily life. This is great for your mental health and it will help you to relax, stay positive and learn something new.

Follow Amy on Social media to see more of her artwork

Learning a new skill can be daunting to do on your own. This is why we have outlined a free, live online art course that covers a range of different topics for you to try out.

The classes will be streamed live but if you can’t make the streaming time then not to worry, they will also be uploaded so you can tune in and watch in your own time.

Amy will start the class with an introduction to the topic and little warm up to get your creative juices flowing. She will then guide you through the process while making her own piece of art live, this way you can watch and learn.

Lino Class

Acrylic Class

We encourage you to have all your materials ready at a space in your house where you feel comfortable so you can paint along with Amy. After the class if you would like to share your artwork we would all love to see what has been created.

Here we have outlined everything you will need for each class. Some items you might already have in your house which is great. Others you can order from our website; we are still doing deliveries. 

Acrylic painting – Acrylic paints, Brushes, Acrylic paper and/or canvas (optional)

Pouring Art – Acrylic paints, PVA glue, canvas, cups and plastic cover to protect your table.

Lino Cutting and Printing – Lino set, paper

Pouring Class

Drawing Class

Watercolour – Watercolours, watercolour paper, masking tape and salt

Drawing – Pencils, Fineliner set, brush pens, heavy weigh cartridge paper

Optional item

Optional item for your own comfort is a table easel, which is a very handy to have as part of your art kit.

See more guides here

IMG 4449 - Zieler Art Supplies

Introduction to Lino Cutting Guide

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Pencil Grades

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